Fixed Assets and Depreciation
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Fixed assets (also referred to as capital assets) are typically categorized as either property, plant or equipment, and usually represent a sigficant cash investment. These are items that the business intends to use over an extended period of time and typically will recieve favorable tax treatment.
There are many considerations when purchasing these types of assets: What is the best way to finance the purchase? What is the expected return on investment? Is it better to buy or lease the asset? What is the proper accounting treatment? What value should I capitalized on my books? How can I secure the asset? Should I repair an old asset or buy a new one? How is depreciation calculated for tax about book purposes?
Let us help you navigate through these considerations and help you understand your options before making a purchase. We'll help you understand all the financial implications and impacts so you can feel more confident in your decision. We'll also set up depreciation tables and a tracking system to identify these assets.